Audrey Hood reflects on her year as the Special Events Coordinator for the Membership Development Committee (MDC). She planned a number of special events for the provisional class of 2013-2014.
“This year was very special for me for many reasons: two of my closest friends joined the League- one in the spring and one in the fall, and I had a baby! Our events were a smashing success, and it’s all because of our entire Membership Development Committee members. These ladies truly made this year shine. Without their help, our events would not have been so successful, and I enjoyed getting to know each of the committee members better. While I was out on maternity leave at the beginning of the spring, they jumped into action and pulled off an awesome spring kickoff party… my daughter was born that very same night!
Debbie Hull and Charlitta Roberson, this year’s MDC chair and vice-chair, did a phenomenal job making this year a success for everyone. These are two amazing women, and I am so proud to know them. On top of that, we have some pretty awesome advisors, and there must have been something in the water at our MDC meetings this year- FOUR of us on the committee have either had babies or are currently expecting! We had two fabulous classes graduate from the provisional program, and I am so excited to have so many awesome new active members at the JLC.”