
Small Group Experience

Congratulations to the 83 fall 2012 provisionals who graduated earlier this month!

Here are some thoughts from one of those members.

As a brand new member of Junior League Charlotte, I think it is only appropriate to reflect on the provisional experience! I’m sure I am not the only one who felt slightly overwhelmed when handed that first list of requirements after our first meeting at the Junior League building. At that very first informational meeting, I knew barely a handful of women in the entire building. I looked around for familiar faces, and noticed the same searching looks coming back my way. Soon after, I was thrilled to hear that we were going to be put in small groups. I knew that this would be the first step to making friends within the League.

One of our first meetings, my small group went bowling at the newly renovated Park Lanes on Montford and had a ball (pun intended).

“We had such a great time bowling that night,” said one member of my group, Brooks Whitted. “It was a fun way to get to know people, and we even decided that night to all get together before the Fall Fashion Show.”

I began to see my small group members around town or at the WearHouse and thought how lucky I was to have met all of these women who have a common goal of joining the Junior League of Charlotte. Numbers and emails were exchanged, Facebook friendships forged, and all of a sudden I had someone to ride with to these huge league events like the General Membership Meeting and Lights! Camera! Fashion!

“I absolutely loved my provisional semester,” said Audrey Hood, a member of another small group.”My small group leader, Magen, along with the other ladies in my group made joining the league so much fun! We met for dinner as a group all the time, caught up with each other around town, and I’m sure we’ll continue to get together even though our provisional semester is over. I’ve become great friends with not only some of the girls in my group, but other provisionals and league members I’ve met during my time volunteering at the WearHouse and all the other events I’ve attended. I truly believe that part of the reason I enjoyed my time as a provisional was largely because of the friendships within my small group.”

As our placements begin, I know we will all become more spread out. But now I look forward to gaining even more friends throughout the years!
