Member Monday: Toni Freeman This Monday, we are featuring Junior League sustainer, Toni Freeman as part of our Member Monday series. Toni is a past Junior League of Charlotte President, AJLI President and currently serves as the Chief Operations Officer at the Mint Museum. In July, she will take her leadership and innovative ideas with her as she becomes…
Category: Member Spotlights
Meet the JLC Rockstars – Family HealthLink Leadership Team Increases Access to Health Care In Charlotte
Chair Elise Benham and Vice Chair Kim Terry are the fearless leaders who drive Family HealthLink, a Saturday event which provides free physicals and dental, vision and hearing screenings for children pre-k to 18 who are new to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School system. These exams are also required for students to remain in school. This year, the committee served 208 students…
Member Monday Spotlight – Simone Carrillo
WearHouse Marketing & PR committee member, Simone Carrillo is enjoying her first year as an active member of The Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. She loves that her placement allows her to be visually creative while having a direct impact on fundraising. She is all the more motivated to make the last year of our JLC WearHouse location on Pecan…
Member Monday Spotlight – Marguerite Carson
Marguerite Carson, senior manager at Accenture, is this week’s Member Monday Spotlight. As chair of Chameleon’s Journey, Marguerite shares, “Chameleon’s Journey is such a unique program, not only in the Charlotte region, but across the country. It serves children who have suffered the loss of a close loved one – a scenario less rare than commonly believed. The experience of…
Member Monday Spotlight – Kelly Fitzgibbons
Today’s Member Monday Spotlight is on Kelly Fitzgibbons. The Florida native works as a Project Manager for Healthstat and implements onsite health clinics across the country. Kelly moved to Charlotte from Tallahassee just over two years ago and immediately joined The Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC). “I didn’t know a single person (in Charlotte) at that point, and I…
JLC March Rockstars
The Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, to developing the potential of women and to improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The following women live this mission in their work in the community each day and we are extremely thankful for their hard work and dedication.…
February JLC Rockstars
The Junior League of Charlotte is comprised of nearly 1900 philanthropic women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Congratulations to the women that were recognized during the month of February for living out the JLC mission and making a difference in our community. Erin Wilk…
The Rockstar Behind The Scenes of Rockstars and Member Monday: Emma Lubanski
Members are the heart of our organization, and it is our members’ stories that demonstrate our mission in action in our community. One way the Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) shares these stories and recognizes dedication to the JLC is through featured Member Monday articles or monthly Rockstar summaries on our blog. The Human Resources Council (HRC) Marketing and…
Member Monday Spotlight – Sharon Slider
Sharon Slider is our newest spotlight for Member Monday. She just started a new job at Elliott Davis Decosimo. She grew up in Spartanburg, South Carolina, attended Wofford College for her accounting undergraduate degree, and then the University of South Carolina for her Masters in Accounting. She moved to Charlotte right after grad school in 2008 and immediately fell in…
Member Monday Spotlight – Jennifer Moore
Today’s spotlight is on Jennifer Moore, member of CIC Marketing and PR Committee. Jennifer is a family law attorney with Marcellino & Tyson, PLLC, and has been practicing law in Charlotte for four years. She grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, attended the University of Florida for her undergraduate degree (go Gators!), and the University of South Carolina for her Juris…