JLC News, Member Monday

Member Monday: Spencer Lash

Spencer Lash has given her all to the Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) from the moment she joined as a Provisional in 2017. She has helped with The Happenings, progressed to Communications Manager, then inaugural Chief of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with a seat on the Board of Directors. She currently serves as the Executive Vice President-Elect. Most notably,…

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Inside the JLC, News and Events

September GMM: #OneJLC

More than 350 Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) members gathered for the first General Membership Meeting (GMM) on Monday, September 19, at CPCC Parr Center’s new theater. The meeting was an important kick-off meeting to start the League year and allowed members to vote on two important bylaw changes proposed by the Nominating Committee. WBTV’s Molly Grantham, the meeting’s…

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Member Monday, Uncategorized

Member Monday: Jennifer Emerson

Early Life and Background Born in Connecticut and raised in Winston-Salem by a physicist dad and librarian mom, Jennifer recollects a full-house with three dogs and her younger sister. Growing up, she loved playing soccer and volleyball, and her biggest hero was her maternal grandmother. Her grandmother was widowed in her 40s, but continued to raise six kids by herself.…

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JLC News

Advocacy: Ways to Get Involved

By Victoria Lee and Eleanor Shell Are you interested in learning more about opportunities to get involved in local advocacy?  The Junior League is a great place to start!  The Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC)  not only provides members with the opportunities to advocate, but we provide training for members interested in advocacy. Each spring, the JLC hosts a…

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JLC News

What is Advocacy?

By Victoria Lee and Eleanor Shell Advocacy allows individuals and groups to create change in their community around issues that matter to them. Each of us plays an important role in improving our local communities, influencing policies across our state, and even on the national level. There are multiple ways to engage within our communities and state to influence public…

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Member Monday

Member Monday: Susan Butler

Susan Butler is an accountant turned travel expert originally from Texas. Passionate about travel, she started her own travel agency devoting her life to helping others see the world. Early Life & Building a Business I was born and raised in Waco, Texas. I am the middle of two sisters and am fortunate to have both my parents still living.…

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Member Monday

Member Monday: Arina Kirk

Arina Kirk may be a former Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) president, but her commitment to helping others goes far beyond the League. She is taking the child adoption world by storm, making it easier for deserving families to find their happy endings. Arina’s Early Life & League Experience I grew up in Gainesville, GA as the youngest and…

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JLC News

Called to Lead: An Interview with Christina Gratrix

By: Cara Tucker First appeared in the Fall/Winter 2021-22 edition of The CRIER. “When it was announced I was the [President-Elect], some [Junior League of Charlotte] friends joked, ‘You know that’s failing at sustaining, right?’” After the world shut down in March 2020,  then-sustainer Christina Gratrix felt a pull to jump back into The Junior League of Charlotte,  Inc. (JLC). Christina’s daughter…

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