
Spring and Summer Sides Series 2: Hawaiian Chicken Salad

I’ve really enjoyed having The Charlotte Cookbook, 30th Anniversary Edition, published by the Junior League of Charlotte, in my possession.  Lately I’ve been going to the cookbook for some “sides” inspiration.  With all of those barbecues and get-togethers coming up in the warmer months I thought it would be fun to do a series of six spring/summer sides for any…

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A Provisional’s Inside Look

Jenna Wagner, a new member of the Junior League of Charlotte, shares her provisional experience: “Upon starting to write this blog, I wasn’t really sure what to say or how to begin. How could I possibly describe my experience as a provisional in 500 words or less? However, upon thinking about it in great detail, I realized that it’s not…

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What I found that the WearHouse

With warmer weather arriving in Charlotte I think it is safe to say that spring is here to stay.  On a recent tour of the JLC WearHouse I was thrilled to see a bright array of spring fashions on the racks and in the window.  Light fabrics, citrus hues and loads of accessories to match.  My favorite rack takes me…

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Reid Park Academy Volunteer Appreciation Event

Members from the Junior League of Charlotte have been working on the Cornerstone Project at Reid Park Academy this school year. There will be a Volunteer Appreciation Drop-in on Friday, May 16 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This event is for all volunteers involved with Reid Park Academy, so it will be a great opportunity to meet other groups…

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Poverty Simulation

The PPI and Training & Development committees hosted the Second Annual Poverty Simulation last month. This event was designed to empower volunteers who work with low income families by allowing them the opportunity to live a day in the life of the people that they serve.  Participating JLC members were put in simulations representing situations that many low-income families face…

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Another tasty Kids in the Kitchen recipe

Spring is here in Charlotte!  Flowers are blooming, the pollen count is at an all-time high, and the temperatures have been teetering between cold and warm for weeks now. It’s time to put away our winter coats and get ready for some time outdoors! If you are like me, the spring season usually means a focus on fitness and healthy…

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Diversity and Inclusion within the JLC

It’s something that is touted throughout every corporate company in America these days and even though it hasn’t been widely publicized, it’s something very important within the culture of the Junior League of Charlotte. In the current Spring issue of The CRIER, reporter Brandi Riggins focuses in on the topic of diversity and inclusion. Here’s a sneak preview. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today’s…

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Darkness to Light

April is Child Abuse Awareness month. During this month the JLC’s Training & Development Committee has partnered with Pat’s Place, a child abuse advocacy center, to provide training educating members on how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child abuse. The Darkness to Light Stewards of Children program believes and teaches that child safety is an adult’s job. Stewards of Children is designed…

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Kids in the Kitchen

On Saturday, March 1, Kids in the Kitchen met at the JLC building to assemble a Kitchen Cart and put together garden-themed curriculum kits for all the grade levels at Reid Park Academy.   The team is very excited to utilize those tools with the students at Reid Park in the coming months.  The Kitchen Cart (fully outfitted with a…

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