
Continuing a Cornerstone Kickoff

How much do you know about the JLC Cornerstone Project at Reid Park Academy Community School? This is a huge project that our entire League should play some role in, and the Internal Communication Counsel’s goal is to make the Blog a vehicle for information to get out to the entire League about when and where you can help. Thanks so much to everyone who is doing the behind the scenes work for the last year (and more) in getting ready and planning for this huge undertaking. These children and families have been so excited to see your faces and work with you on projects like the building of a playground in their neighborhood and planting a Key Hole garden on family night. JLC Leaders are developing ways for our members to donate time and resources to make an impact on this school and community, and will begin communicating these opportunities soon! Please stay tuned towards the end of summer to find out what wonderful things are in store.
Please leave us a comment to let everyone know how your committee is involved in the Cornerstone Project.
