Over the past 95 years, the Junior League of Charlotte (JLC) has donated more than $13.7 million in grants and special projects and provided more than 1.6 million volunteer hours across the city of Charlotte. This year, we are excited to uphold our legacy by supporting 12 new and returning community partners.
So how does the JLC decide which organizations to partner with each year? That’s where the work of the Project Development and Evaluation Committee (PDE) begins. Let’s go Inside the JLC with current PDE Chair Laura Snead for an insider’s view of the process.
What is the PDE committee looking for when evaluating potential partners?
First and foremost, we want to ensure that potential partners align with the JLC’s focus – ensuring that all children are school-ready by helping to meet health and education needs from birth to fifth grade in certain priority areas of Mecklenburg County (zip codes 28205, 28206, 28208, 28212, 28216, and 28217). Then, we make certain that the partner can provide 40 hours for each JLC volunteer placed with their organization. We also consider program sustainability and budget.
What are the JLC’s priorities for the coming year?
We know that 2020 was a tough time for many nonprofits to have sufficient volunteer opportunities. This year, we want to see how community partners adjusted and adapted to the virtual world and how they sustained their programs over the last year. We strive to have more in-person events for volunteers and to get creative with opportunities for the future.
How does the JLC determine the number of organizations to partner with each year?
We are looking for quality over quantity. We want to make sure that JLC members have an interest in volunteering with our community partners. We also want to make a strong impact on the partnership with both funding and volunteer hours.
What is the application process for potential community partners?
The application will be live from August 2 through September 3 for the upcoming JLC year (June 2022 – May 2023). We have a PDF application that all current and prospective community partners will use to apply. Additionally, prospective community partners need to include a current budget, 501(c)(3) status letter, audit report, and proof of insurance with their application submission.
What are the next steps once all of the applications are received?
The PDE committee will review and compile all the required documents, then divide the applicants among 10 committee members. From there, we each set a time to meet with the Executive Director or the contact from each organization that applied. Next, we conduct a site visit, which normally lasts one to two hours, to get to know the potential partner and ask additional questions. Finally, we work to understand how JLC volunteers can make an impact while on-site and how funds will be allocated. For current partners, we do the same but also speak with the current JLC committee chair and vice-chair for additional insight.
What are the biggest challenges for the PDE committee?
Once we start receiving applications, it’s all about time management and meeting deadlines. We have a busy fall to get all the required items in line for the very important Project Development and Evaluation Day (PDE Day). On this day, our committee ensures that voting members, a cross-section of our leadership, have everything they need to make a well-informed decision before confirming the community partners for the upcoming year.
What are you looking forward to most as PDE chair?
This being my third year on the PDE committee, I am excited to see more behind-the-scenes work. Serving as vice-chair last year gave me insight into the impact we have on the JLC as a whole. Of course, there are more meetings and deadlines to work through as chair, but it’s all for a greater purpose. Each year, I learn about additional community partners that have never applied before, and it’s wonderful getting to know their passion and desire to make a change in Charlotte.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a community partner with the JLC, please join Laura for Coffee and Questions on August 20at 7:30 a.m. at the JLC Building located at 1332 Maryland Avenue. Register here. You can also contact her directly at jlc.pde@gmail.com.