We are off to a great start in 2016 at the Junior League of Charlotte due to the dedication and passionate service of our members. The following members were recognized for going above and beyond and truly living the mission of the JLC. Congratulations on a job very well done.
Whitney Jackson and Samie Roberts (ETA Marketing and PR) are quite the dynamic duo when it comes to creating, editing and getting required approvals for Leadership Development Institute blog posts. We love reading about the awesome things LDI participants are doing. Great job ladies!
Atiya Biakabutuka (Community Family Support Team) arranged the committee’s holiday dinner celebration, which was enjoyed by all.
Cynthia Alexander (Advocacy & Public Awareness) secured a meeting space at the Department of Social Services (DSS) for the upcoming Lunch and Learn. Taking it one step further, Cynthia worked closely with DSS to explore the possibility of granting credits to DSS Social Workers in attendance.
Christine Hamlett (Get on Board) has done a wonderful job with being present and engaged at every meeting. Furthermore, her ability to stay on top of all her responsibilities with a sense of urgency and ownership is incredibly valued!
Kristian Chesser (Vice Chair – Get on Board) has jumped in with both feet and is doing a great job on the team. She is preparing to be an excellent Chair next year.
Paris McAdoo and Joanna Bess (Training and Development) are committed to volunteerism and to this committee. They have not missed an event and have been instrumental in supporting their Chair in the absence of a Vice Chair.
Shika Raynor (WearHouse) is currently hard at work gearing up for the big spring event in April at the WearHouse. Jacquie Baker (WearHouse) is spearheading the window display efforts to catch the attention of shoppers passing by. Both of these ladies deserve recognition for their dedication to our League’s largest fundraiser.
Kari Kessell (Vice Chair – Signature Spring Fundraiser) continues to knock the ball out of the park with her work on March Money Madness! She has been recognized multiple times this year by Spring Fundraiser Chair, Lauren Tedder!
Kelly Gibbs (Planned Giving) is carrying out the mission of the JLC through her leadership and focus on promoting her team. Kelly was a fantastic host for the December Holiday meeting and continues to work consistently to improve both the League and its members through upcoming programming. Great job, Kelly!
Ellen Rankin (Chair – Annual Fund Committee) was recognized by her Vice Chair, Cassie Owens, for her proactive plan for transitioning Cassie to Chair for the 2016-17 League year. Ellen has been involved in the creation of a transition binder that will put Cassie one step ahead when the baton is passed.
Caroline Mitchell and Angela Lindsay (Social) have both stepped up and taken the lead on multiple social events that needed in-depth organization and planning. There are several exciting Third Thursday Socials this spring and Caroline and Angela have both been making sure that these events will be a great success!
Debbie Hull (Nominating) has been working tirelessly to fill positions during the busiest time of the year. Throughout the year, Debbie has been a rockstar but she really shined throughout the holiday season!
Charlitta Hatch (HRC Manager) and TaLeayah Johnson (Chair – Nominating) have been recognized as being helpful, supportive and involved in the first ever JLC In-League Placement Evaluation Day. Charlitta and TaLeayah truly make a meaningful and positive impact on our membership and are great examples of what it means to be a leader in the JLC.