Early Life and Background
Born in Connecticut and raised in Winston-Salem by a physicist dad and librarian mom, Jennifer recollects a full-house with three dogs and her younger sister. Growing up, she loved playing soccer and volleyball, and her biggest hero was her maternal grandmother. Her grandmother was widowed in her 40s, but continued to raise six kids by herself. Jennifer says, “She is quite independent and, at times, feisty and I’ve always admired her toughness and ability to keep going through the hardest of times.” To this day, her grandmother lives in the house she and Jennifer’s grandfather built in Connecticut, and will celebrate her 92nd birthday this January. While reminiscing on her past, she mentioned that she wishes she would have said “yes” to more things. I think that’s great advice for all of us!

JLC Involvement and Impact
After being very involved in voluntarism at the University of North Carolina- Wilmington and graduating as an English major, Jennifer was looking for a group post-graduation that would help plug her into the community and provide a way to meet new friends and network. In 2017, she joined the Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) and is currently the Fund Development Council Manager after having placements with Heart Math Tutoring and the Annual Fund Committee. Jennifer believes sometimes just supporting the League with your presence and sharing your JLC experiences with others can make a bigger impact than you realize. She’s been pleasantly surprised by the amazing individuals she has met, the exposure she’s received and the things she’s learned by attending meetings and events over the years. She’s had the chance to lead and be part of committees and councils that were very much out of her comfort zone and have nothing to do with her day job as a talent acquisition manager. One of her favorite leadership roles was being a Provisional Advisor, but feels that the best way she’s contributed to the League is simply by showing up. When asked how the JLC has developed her potential she had this to say.
Being nominated for positions I wasn’t entirely sure I was ready for gave me confidence in myself to think outside the box and be open to learning something new. Many times, others see potential in us that we don’t see in ourselves and for that, I’ve been very grateful for the League.
-Jennifer Emerson
Fun Facts
People would be surprised to learn that Jennifer drove a Chevy Silverado pick up truck from the time she got her permit until she turned 28. Growing up, she was also strangely obsessed with Madonna from a young age and knew pretty much all of the lyrics to her “Immaculate Collection” CD.