Spencer Lash has given her all to the Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) from the moment she joined as a Provisional in 2017. She has helped with The Happenings, progressed to Communications Manager, then inaugural Chief of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with a seat on the Board of Directors. She currently serves as the Executive Vice President-Elect. Most notably, she won an Emmy as a journalist for Charlotte’s WCNC-TV. Read on to find out more about her outside of the JLC.

1. Tell me about yourself (where you were born/grew up, family background, early life?)
I was born and raised in Las Vegas. Yes, there are people born and raised there! But I’ve noticed it’s almost as rare to be originally from Charlotte as well! I went away to college for one semester but came back to University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) for multiple reasons. I majored in journalism and minored in political science. I got a job in Vegas a few months after college, so I worked for the TV station I grew up watching. I knew I always wanted to leave Vegas and the timing just happened to work out when a former boss called me up in September 2014 asking if I wanted to work in Charlotte at WCNC. I came to the city for an interview, was here for about 17 hours and then 48 hours later got the job offer and decided I was moving. Eight years later and I’m still here!
2. What have you gotten from the Junior League?
I’ve gotten so much from the Junior League. In my provisional year, I really threw myself into the League and did almost everything I could. I went to almost every Training Tuesday and signed up for the Leadership Development Institute. The League really helped me develop my leadership skills and hone in on my strengths and weaknesses. The League gave me the confidence to ask for the raise that I knew I more than deserved. The League has also taught me a lot of little things — from Robert’s Rules of Order to what a consent agenda is. Working in TV is a much different type of corporate world. We don’t have meetings that follow agendas. However, we cover meetings that follow these governance structures, like the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Board of Education, city council and county commission, so what I have learned from the League has helped me follow along with those meetings better.
3. How have you contributed to the League?
When I decide to do something, I like to give my all to it. As I mentioned, I really threw myself into the League during my Provisional year. That continued every year after. I’ve continued signing up for leadership roles. First was the assistant coordinator for The Happenings (bi-weekly newsletter), then Communications Manager, then Chief of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with a seat on the Board of Directors and now the Executive Vice President-Elect. I enjoy giving my time and talents to the League.
4. How has the Junior League helped to develop your potential?
The Junior League has helped shape me into the woman I am today. I think it has really helped me hone in on my strengths. It’s also shown me what I’m not so good at and where I need to ask for help. The League is made up of so many diverse women that really all complete our great organization. Where I fall short, I know someone is beside me to pick up what I drop. I love that we can really all complement each other and fill out this puzzle of life.
5. What motivates you to work hard?
I have a few things that motivate me to work hard.
A. I think it’s just my personality.
B. I love proving people wrong. When I was in college, someone told me it was rare that people graduated in 4 years anymore, so it was okay if I took longer. I made sure to graduate in 3 1/2 years to prove them wrong.
C. I want to make sure people are informed about the world around them. If I do my job right, people will be informed about what is really going on behind just the headlines.
6. What is your proudest accomplishment?
The easy answer is winning an Emmy because who doesn’t love a shiny trophy? But when I really think about it, it’s the 30-minute special we did on affordable housing or fighting to do stories on our homeless population or making sure we provide coverage on Black Maternal Health Week. Telling the stories of people who are too often forgotten or ignored is why I got into the business. I want to make a difference in the world and even if our stories only open the eyes and hearts of a few, that’s better than nothing.
7. What is your favorite thing about your career? Follow up: What did you want to be when you were growing up before making money mattered?
I love that my career takes me down a different path every day. No two days are the same. The core of it is the same, but I get to help tell a new story every day. I also love being able to tell stories that matter to people.
The very first thing I wanted to be when I grew up was a grocery store clerk. I’m not really sure why that appealed to me, but our children’s museum had a fake grocery store and I loved ringing things up. Then for a really long time, I toyed with being a lawyer. By my junior year of high school, I had switched to wanting to be a therapist. My mom told me I wasn’t patient enough to be a therapist. I was annoyed with her for saying that at the time, but looking back, she’s 100% right. Then, senior year of high school, I decided on journalism and I made that happen.
8. One thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I’ve ridden in a hot-air balloon. I think it’s surprising because it’s really random, but also because I’m a VERY nervous flyer. I love to travel, but really hate airplanes. But getting into a hot-air balloon, I had NO fears.
9. What are your hobbies?
I enjoy reading, whether that be with one of my two book clubs or just books I choose to read on my own. Send me all your book recs!
I’m also a huge sports fan. I grew up playing soccer, so I have become a huge Charlotte FC fan and love the atmosphere the team has brought to Charlotte. During football season, you’ll see me rooting for the Denver Broncos. During hockey season, I root for the Las Vegas Golden Knights and college basketball season, the UNLV Runnin’ Rebels have my heart, even though it’s been a VERY long time since they’ve been good.
I also love music and dancing, so I’m glad I’ve finally been able to go to concerts again after a two-year break. Also, if you ever plan a night out dancing, invite me!
And finally, I really love to travel. If I won the lottery, that’s what I would spend my money on. I was never the girl who had her whole wedding planned. Instead, I was the girl who had her honeymoon planned! Thankfully my husband took that and wanted to expand upon it. I know he hates how much I had every minute mapped out, but there are just too many things in the world I want to see!
10. How do you think your friends would describe you?
I laughed when I first read this question because one word immediately came to mind: Competitive. I’m the most competitive person I know and my friends will all tell you that as well. I think they would also describe me as a planner. I’m very much a Type A person. Honestly, I have my whole year planned out when a new year begins, so I can get all my PTO requests in and make sure I get the days off when I want. I’m working to be more carefree and spontaneous, but habits are hard to break! Also, if you’re familiar with the Enneagram Personality Test, I’m a 3 through and through and my friends and family will tell you that!