Kwain Bryant, CEO of Empowerment Exchange, spoke to the Junior League of Charlotte on Tuesday, November 5 about leadership. We have many women who are leaders within the League. We are also leaders in our workplaces, churches, homes,and many other areas in our lives. His speech applied to women in all different types of leadership roles. Bryant reinforced that there…
Reasons I Joined the Junior League of Charlotte
I have been a member of the Junior League of Charlotte for a little over a year, and I am so glad I made the decision to join. My quick profile is: I am 28yearsold, married for almost two years, and have lived in Charlotte for 6 years. I have two official jobs, one as a private tutor and one…
The New League Women: Development Opportunities in November
The Training and Development Committee has a wonderful selection of events scheduled for November to encourage and strengthen our members. Have you been dreaming of organized home or office? Are you drowning in clutter? We have the answer. Join us in November for the event, Lunch and Learn: Simplicity Charlotte. Simplicity is a local organization dedicated to helping you de-clutter…
A Night of Learning at Discovery Place
Each year, provisional members of the JLC are asked to attend at least two Knowledge Nights. These events are put together by Membership Development Committee (MDC) and provisional members with a glimpse into different placement opportunities. Wen Norvell is the training coordinator for the Membership Development committee and spokewith us about the recent Discovery Place Knowledge night. “We had a…
League Preservation Committee’s Management Trivia Night
The League Preservation Committee seems to put on quite a fun time. The members of the Management Team don tiaras after playing a round of JLC Trivia Queens at their October meeting on October 8, 2013. JLC Trivia Queens is a game created by the League Preservation Committee to help familiarize members with the history of our organization.
JLC Breast Cancer Awareness Event
October is the month of all things pink across America and Charlotte is no different. Breast Cancer Awareness Month has become highly marketed and for a good reason. On October 17, dozens of JLC members gathered at the WearHouse to shop, eat, mingle and learn more about breast cancer and early detection. The event was part of the Training &…
October’s GMM Kicks Off the Cornerstone Campaign!
As a provisional last year I somehow managed to miss attending any General Membership Meetings. So when the meeting on October 21 was announced, I was more than excited to finally attend my first GMM. President Amie Hutchison began the meeting with a call to order. Then President-Elect Beverley Shull did the reflection. The GMM was focused on the JLC…
Televised Mayoral Forum
The Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. is proud to be a part of the last televised mayoral forum before this year’s election. Watch the video below to learn more. Don’t forget to tune in Halloween evening at 8:00 to hear from the candidates. The forum will also be rebroadcast over the weekend, starting at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 2…
The Smell of Banana Bread Baking Away …
I think everyone’s top three favorite smells must include freshly baked bread, am I right? Banana Bread is one of those foods that should, and must, be made year-round, which is why I am including it as one of my fall favorite food recipes. I’m still loving the Junior League cookbook from Washington DC and found this gem in the…
A Super Sweet Night: Making Friends and Giving Back!!
Provisional advisor Elle Allen is one advisor who’s small group donned aprons last month for a baking and bonding experience. She shared a picture and some delicious details from the event. really stepped it up to make a very special night out. When was it held? September 10, 2013 Where? Neet’s Sweets on Park Road. Neet shares a space with Wow…