JLC News

Quick Tips for Advocating

By Victoria Lee and Eleanor Shell

Often, we feel like we are only one voice that can get lost, but in the Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC), we are called to be Change Agents! Did you know that every time you make a phone call, write a letter or send an email to your public official, you represent more than just you? Each time a congressman, senator or state representative’s office receives a phone call from a person they represent, their staff gives it weight based on the type of communication.  

While not every one of us feels comfortable contacting our representative, EVERYONE is passionate about something. We all have something we would like to see changed in our communities. There are easy ways to turn that passion into the change you would like to see.  

Are you a researcher?  Then research the topic and share information with your friends, family and network. 

Are you a talker?  Sign-up to speak at a town hall and speak directly to your representative or a community gathering to inform others about the cause. 

Are you a writer? Write a letter to your representatives or a newsletter/blog about the topic. 

Are you an organizer? Plan an event to raise awareness. 

Are you a connector?  Host a networking event for people to connect with others who are passionate about the same issue.

Are you a social media wiz? Share, share, share! 

Each of us has unique strengths that we can use to advocate on behalf of others and our local communities.  

When contacting your representative, whether by phone, letter or email, use the outline below to create an impactful advocacy message: Establish your relationship and clearly explain your “why” and “what.”

  1. Include content that supports your issue with background information and facts
  2. Personalize the issue by explaining how you are personally impacted and provide examples of the impact on others
  3. Reiterate your ask and state firmly the requested action

By starting the conversation on important issues, we can build a  conversation that can reach a larger audience, including policymakers. Every little step can make significant changes in our local communities and state.

About Junior League of Charlotte, Inc.