The Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) hosted its 2023 Holiday Party and Slate Reveal on December 3, 2023. JLC members gathered at the Bazal Gallery Lounge for a festive night of fellowship, music and food.

Attending JLC members were asked to gather downstairs for the Slate reveal presented by the Nominating Committee. Slate is the first of two leadership selection processes and how strategic leadership selections are made in the League. Slate selects the President-Elect, Executive Vice President-Elect, Board Members at Large, Council Managers, our Nominating Committee Members, along with our VP of Finance and VP of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging.

Twenty leadership selections were announced for the 2024-2025 League at this year’s Slate reveal. Please join us in congratulating all of the wonderful ladies on their selections!
President-Elect | Amanda Kohout |
Board of Directors Secretary | Amanda Bagwell |
BOD – Member-At-Large (Year 1 of 2) | Rosemary Gause |
BOD – Member-At-Large (Year 1 of 2) | Juliana O’Rork |
BOD – Member-At-Large (Year 1 of 2) | Lucy Burnette |
Advisor to the President-Elect (selected by PE) | Christina Gratrix |
Executive Vice President-Elect | Molly Lawson |
Nominating Vice Chair (selected by PE) | Jen Emerson |
Vice President of Finance | Kelsea Skinner |
Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging | Tanitra Seibles |
MT – Communications Manager | Emily Mann |
MT – Community Impact Manager | Mary Behler |
MT – Education & Training Manager | Shannon Thomas |
MT – Fund Development Manager | Erin Breeden |
MT – Human Resource Council Manager | Rhiannon Samuels |
MT – Risk Manager | Ashel Sommerman |
Advisor to the EVP-Elect (selected by EVPE) | Spencer Lash |
Nominating Committee Member (Year 1 of 2) | Christina Calloway |
Nominating Committee Member (Year 1 of 2) | Katrina Louis |
Nominating Committee Member (Year 1 of 2) | Adrienne-Elaine Lamptey |
Members will vote to approve the Slate selections at the General Membership Meeting on January 16, 2024. The second leadership selection process, Willingness to Serve, will also kick-off in January. JLC Members looking to start or expand their leadership journeys are encouraged to apply.